Sunday, July 7, 2013

Some Extensions on the Sovereignty of Science


The smallest muscle in the human body is in the ear.
It is also the only muscle that does not have blood vessels;

It has fluid instead. The reason for this is clear:
The ear is so sensitive that the body, if it heard its own pulse,

Would be devastated by the amplification of its own sound.   
In this knowledge I sense a great metaphor,

But I do not want to be hasty in trying to capture or describe it.   
Words are our weakest hold on the world.

Alberto Ríos

Some Extensions on the Soveriegnty of Science


The reason you can’t lose weight later on in life is simple enough.   
It’s because of how so many people you know have died,

And that you carry a little of each of them with you.

Alberto Ríos

Some Extensions on the Sovereignty of Science


The hardest work of the last quarter of the twentieth century is to find   
An edge in the middle. When something explodes, for example,

Nobody is confused about what to do—you look toward it.
Loud is a magnet. But the laws of magnetism are more complex.

One might just as well try this: When something explodes,   
Turn exactly opposite from it and see what there is to see.

The loud will take care of itself, and everyone will be able to say   
What happened in that direction. But who is looking

The other way? Nature, that magician and author of loud sounds,   
Zookeeper and cook, electrician and provocateur—

Maybe these events are Nature’s sleight of hand, and the real   
Thing that’s happening is in the other hand,

Or behind or above or below or inside us. 
 Alberto Ríos